Technical Progress Reporting

The progress report is to be jointly written by the PI/Co-PIs from MIT and Kuwait, and to be submitted as a single report by the MIT PI directly to the Executive Director of CNRE on behalf of the whole collaborative team.
Reporting is done on a semi-annual basis. Release of installments, i.e. continuing grant increments, are contingent on approval of semi-annual reports by the CNRE.
Semi-annual Reports:
The report elements are as follows:
  1. Executive Summary: a standalone overview that summarizes the report
  2. Body of the Report:
    1. Overall accomplishment per each research task
    2. Level of progress towards the final research objectives, i.e. what remains to be accomplished
    3. For each research task, activities and efforts made by each investigator from MIT and Kuwait must be clearly delineated
    4. Identify adjustments needed to the project, if any
    5. Publications that are an outcome of the funding. Please submit in your first semi-annual report a long-term publication plan that emphasizes joint-publications between MIT and Kuwait investigators.
    6. Meetings, workshops and travel among team members since project initiation
    7. Outreach to stakeholders, industry, etc.
    8. Names of students, research assistants, or other research staff members hired by the PI/Co-PIs to work on the project at each institution since project initiation
  3. Appendices:
    1. Expense Statement from collaborating Kuwait Institutions showing project expenses and current balance
    2. Data Sheet for Signature Project” downloadable from this URL, is to be completed and appended
Project Completion:
Upon completion of the project, we require two reports:
  1. Final Report: The final report is similar to a semi-annual report, but adds the following two elements to the Body of the Report:
    1. Final outcome: please compare with the objectives initially stated in the proposal​
    2. Suggested beneficiaries of the research outcome and recommendations for potential stakeholders
  2. Project Outcomes Report: ​This is a brief report (200 words - 800 words) for public release. CNRE will release without making changes.
    1. This is a brief summary of the project outcomes as far as the intellectual component of the project is concerned. It will also discuss broader impacts of its conclusions and recommendations for potential stakeholders.
    2. It should not discuss financial or administrative matters related to the project.
    3. It is the PI/Co-PIs responsibility to ensure they do not release information that may otherwise impede their ability, or that of their institutions, to disclose inventions, or publish in the literature. That it does not disclose confidential data or proprietary institutional information, or personally identifiable information of research subjects if any.

Besides making the Project Outcomes Report available to the public. CNRE will refer the public to publications resulting from each project as disclosed by the PI in the Final Report.

Last updated: October-31-2015